You Are Not Too Much for the Right People

Mama Laughing Too Loud

No joke, for YEARS I didn’t speak up. I didn’t laugh up, or stand up first either because I’d get the look that told me I was too much. I had to make sure I wasn’t going to be the only one doing something. The idea of other people talking about me if I didn’t fit the mold, just killed me.

Who the heck was that girl, and where did she come from? Apparently, she just showed up one day between art school and becoming a “drone” mechanic. I never worried about being too much before, but…

I felt like a fraud leaving art school for the money because I didn’t think I was smart enough for the job or….man enough. Even worse, I didn’t think I belonged in our social group made up of work peers and their fancy spouses.

Our interests weren’t the same, and I often felt I wasn’t high maintenance enough, or nerdy enough, or political enough, or boozy enough, or worldly enough. I was too crunchy mama, too hippie-dippie, too artsy-fartsy, too passionate, too outspoken, too much to be taken seriously.

You Cannot Be Too Much

Last month I hung out with some powerful peeps in Indianapolis. I felt they were “out of my league,” but one of them said the most powerful thing I’d ever heard. IT FINALLY STUCK!

You are worthy because you are human and enough because you are you. You cannot possibly ever be ‘too much’ because you are worthy of happiness. You were put on this earth for a purpose.

Game Changer

That changed everything for me! It gave me permission to stop believing I was too much and believe I was exactly enough for the right people.

Woman!!!!!!! I want the same thing for you!!! I want you to step into your power and believe you are worthy, and enough, and perfect the way you are, and you don’t need to change for anyone because you cannot be too much for the right people! 

Can I help you do that? Can I help you help others do that!??

We’re better together!! And when we realize that, well, that is when the REAL MAGIC begins!
